What makes a great story?

We all admittedly enjoy a good story; whether it’s a true story reiterated by a narrator or a fantasy that creates a whole new universe in our minds, stories are what connects people through relatability, cultures, behaviours and opinion. But what makes a story a good one? What gets you keen beginning to the end […]
Storytelling: The transition

The last decade has drastically transformed how people interact and engage with information. From the birth of life-altering mobile applications such as Snapchat to stories across most social media platforms, the globe has surely become a lot smaller than it felt just 20 years ago. What has this meant for storytelling? How has this been […]
Storytelling through digital art

By: Elizabeth Mwambulukutu and Annastazia Gura, co-founders of Hapo Zamani za Kale, Innovate and Learn grantees, Tanzania Art is not static. Globalisation has seen the growth of technological advancements in various industries worldwide, and art is no exception. In this article we are sharing our experiences and highlights of the Kutoka Canvas Kwenda Digital [From […]
The remarkable Hadza

In the era of globalization, technological advancement and the complexities of a pandemic, deep in the Northern part of Tanzania live four indigenous ethnic groups: the waHadzabe, waMasai, waDatoga, and waAkie, the most remarkable of the 120+ ethnic groups of which Tanzania consists. Despite ever changing external factors that continue to affect them, these groups […]